Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lots to catch up on!

It has been an exciting and busy last few weeks! Let's recap:
  • I turned 2 months old!
  • The doctor told me I weighed 12 pounds and was 24 inches long (that's 2 whole feet!)
  • I had lots of visitors--first Aunt Lisa and Aunt Steph came to see me, and then Bubbie, Zaydie, and Uncle Jeremy came too!
  • I celebrated my first Chanukkah. I can tell I'm gonna like this holiday (at least better than that first Jewish tradition I took part in).
  • I took my first T ride! I slept one way, but managed to stay awake on the way home. It was...interesting.
  • Thanks to me, my parents continue their hobby of eating out--I have been a very good boy at some of Cambridge's best restaurants--or so I hear. I never get to try any of the food.
  • I have been smiling like crazy and making a lot more sounds too. No one seems to understand me quite yet, but they seem entertained, so I will keep trying!
  • I went to Dad's office for the childrens' holiday party. I got to meet all the people he works with and see where he spends all that time when he isn't with me and Mommy. Everyone was really nice, but I think Daddy should spend more time with me than with them. I hear that will happen in January, so I am really looking forward to that!
  • Perhaps most importantly (to my parents) I have slept through the night for 7 whole hours for 2 nights in a row! I really am a wonderful baby, if I do say so myself.
Some people have been complaining about the infrequency (if that's not really a word, it's ok, I'm a baby) of my blog postings. Let me remind such people I am a very busy boy with activities such as sleeping, making messes, tummy time, and creating insane amounts of laundry. So please, be patient, and I will update you about my life in the world as often I can.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

What a great holiday!! Everyone eats lots of good food, plays games, watches football and then falls asleep on the couch!

I am thankful for my Mommy and Daddy and they are so thankful for me. I am also thankful that Nonnie and Poppy and Aunt Carrie flew in to be with me for Thanksgiving. We all had a great time. Even though I didn't eat any turkey, I got into the holiday spirit by eating way too much milk and spitting up all over my brand new outfit. I missed Bubbie and Zaydie and Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Laura, but hopefully I will see them soon.

This Black Friday thing is pretty sweet too. I tried to help out by waking Daddy at 4:30 am this morning, but he decided to go back to sleep rather than fight the crazies at the electronics store. We've just been hanging out on a lazy, rainy Friday - it's the best!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Zachary's Broadcast Debut

Daddy hopes that the below link to this video works. Try copying and pasting it into the URL line.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Super Fun Day!

I did all sorts of new things today (Thursday actually, but see prior posts for acceptable tardiness).
I went into Boston for the very first time. I like everything about it (except all those hats with B's on them). Mommy and I took a yoga class in the Prudential center, it was so much fun. I met three other new babies and their mommies. Then Daddy came and met us for lunch. I slept through most of it, but it was still fun. Then Mommy and I walked down the Comm. Ave mall and stopped in one of the parks. It was a beautiful fall day in New England. At night Mommy went to get a well-deserved massage, and I spent some quality male bonding time with Daddy. It was the longest I've ever been apart from Mommy, but we both did great!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am one month old today*

*Astute readers will note that I was actually one month old on Tuesday. They'll also note that my Mommy and Daddy have been busy bathing, feeding and cleaning up after me, and all on abbreviated sleep, so a couple of days late is forgivable.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Week that Was

I am four weeks old today. So much has happened in the past week. Where to begin? With the World Champion 2009 New York Yankees, of course. My Daddy thanks me every day for being a good luck charm and bringing with me the 27th world championship!

Last night we did our first online chat using Skype with Nonnie and Poppy and Aunt Carrie. I was awake the whole time!

Today we had a really nice visit with Bubbie and Zaydie and I was so happy that my Bubbie held me for so long.

I got a LOT of Yankees stuff from my Zaydie and Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Eric, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Stu. I can't wait to show it off - I'll ask my Daddy to send some pictures when they're ready. And my big furry sister Keko even got a jersey of her own!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I'm three weeks old today, and I'm growing! I'm back above my birthweight, and I grew a whole inch. What an exciting day we had today. I got my first real bath, we took a nice long walk at Fresh Pond with Keko, and we went trick-or-treating at our friends' house in Cambridge - I dressed up as a clownfish!

Now we are getting ready for a relaxing evening watching the Yankees.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let's Go Yankees!

We are all geared up and ready to watch Game One. Go Yanks!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Woo Hoo!!

I am so excited that the Yankees are going to the World Series! And some special friends sent me a Yankees hat and a jersey that I am going to wear for Game One. Let's Go Yankees!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I am two weeks old today

As my Bubbie reminded me at exactly 11:32 am today, I am two weeks old! I'm sleeping better, eating better, and my clothes are fitting me better!

The last week home with Mommy was great - we went to the Farmer's Market, took walks with big furry sister Keko, and even got my birth certificate. But I'm glad Daddy is home for the weekend.

I am really excited to watch the Yankees game tonight with Mommy and Daddy! GO YANKS!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Day to Remember (Except I'm Glad I Won't)

What a great weekend! I spent lots of time with Nonnie and Poppy, Bubbie and Zaydie, Aunt Carrie, Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Laura, and lots of my other family members. We all had a great time, and they even threw a party for me, which was a lot of fun until this stranger showed up with lots of surgical tools spouting something about a covenant. Well, at least I got to taste some wine! I was really brave, and everyone commented about how well behaved I was. Now I am enjoying some alone time with Mommy, Daddy and big furry sister Keko.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Zachary's Exciting Day!

What a way to start the day! I rode in my stroller for the first time, and we took a nice long walk to the doctor's office. The doctor said I was looking great, and told me to keep eating.

And then I met my big furry sister Keko - we got along great and I can't wait to share lots of fun with her.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Getting used to life at home

Today was my first full day at home. It was pretty quiet overall, I did a lot of napping, and Mommy and Daddy got a nap in too!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Home at last!

After two very exciting first days of life in the hospital, I finally tasted the outside world. I even went for my first car ride. I loved seeing all of my grandparents again, and getting a tour of my new home. It is still a work in progress, but I know I am going to be very happy there.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


My name is Zachary Ross Weinberg. I was born at 11:32 am on October 10, 2009 in Cambridge, MA. I weighed in at 8 pounds, 9.3 ounces and measured 21 inches.

I am very happy to be here!